首页  »  电视剧 » 百变王牌第一季 » 第02集

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  Wild Cards is a crime-solving procedural with a comedic twist that follows the unlikely duo of a gruff, sardonic cop and a spirited, clever con woman. Ellis (Giacomo Gianniotti of Grey’s Anatomy) plays a demoted detective who has spent the last year on the maritime unit, while Max (Vanessa Morgan of Riverdale) has been living a transient life elaborately scamming everyone she meets. But when Max gets arrested and ends up helping Ellis solve a local crime, the two are offered the opportunity to redeem themselves, with Ellis going back to detective and Max staying out of jail. The catch? They have to work together, with each using their unique skills to solve crimes.


  • 8.0完结凌晨三点之曼谷鬼故事霍嘉丝·芝华顾,达尔姆泰·普兰西普,齐纳吾·英塔拉库辛,Hongyok ansakorn,Pharunyoo Rojanawuttitham,Namo Tongkumner,吉拉華·瓦奇拉薩朗帕特,Thanachat Tullayachat,Pasut Baa
  • 8.010集全致命钥匙凯文·阿尔维斯,Thomas Mitchell Barnet,莱丝拉·德奥利维拉,格里芬·格鲁克,康纳·杰斯普,艾米莉亚·琼斯,Hallea Jones,佩特里斯·琼斯,吉纳维芙·康,杰克逊·罗伯
  • 7.0更新至9集塔尔萨之王西尔维斯特·史泰龙,加内特·赫德兰,安德丽·萨维奇,马丁·斯塔尔,马克斯·凯塞拉,多米尼克·隆巴多兹,文森特·皮亚扎,杰·威尔,A·C·彼得森,约翰·塞纳迭姆博,达希尔·康纳利,凯西·希亚·沃特森,帕特里克·克莱因,布鲁斯·戴维斯,Ginger Gilmartin,波特·凯利,Zackary Brooks,Phyllis Pastore,Chris Caldovino,Andrew Olson
  • 5.7全10集爱入歧途Tyriq Withers,杰德·费尔南德斯,艾丹·亚历山大,贾布瑞拉·派申,Andrea Prevatt,艾德蒙·多诺文,Joshua Allen,Jennifer Leigh Mann,Roger Berard,Jacobi Hollingshed,格蕾丝·范帕滕,杰克逊·怀特,凯瑟琳·梅塞尔,娜塔利·莱茵兹,本杰明·沃兹沃斯,斯潘塞·豪斯,布兰登·库克,索尼娅·梅纳,Malone Thoma
  • 6.0更新至10集驶入心途查温洛·里奇查力安沙功,彭沙贡·翁皮安,加图蓬·丹古来,金纳·披吉·奥帕坤,维拉帕特·尼迈农,Potjanakorn Apipatcharapokee,Phusanu Wongsavanischakorn,Tanakorn Kuljarasso
  • 5.0已完结真实的人类第一季Andreas,Wilson,Lisette,Pagler,Pia,Halvorsen

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