首页  »  电视剧 » 瘟疫/黑死病第一季 » 第01集

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During an outbreak of the bubonic plague in the magnificent Seville of 1587, Mateo, a former soldier, returns, honouring his word to find and extract a dead friend’s son from the city. Previously, Mateo had been forced to flee the city to save his life, having been sentenced to death by the Inquisition for printing forbidden books. Before he can complete his task, Mateo is arrested by the Inquisitor’s bailiffs, who promise to pardon his life in exchange for solving a series of crimes of diabolic overtones being committed in Seville. Premiere of the first two episodes of the new TV series directed by Alberto Rodríguez.


  • 6.0共6集瘟疫/黑死病第一季Pablo Molinero,Sergio Castellanos,曼诺罗·索洛
  • 9.06集全保持呼吸梅丽莎·巴雷拉,弗洛伦西娅·洛扎诺,耶夫·威尔布什,Joselyn Picard,Juan Pablo Espinosa,盖特内斯·伯赫,Michelle Choi-Lee,奥斯汀·斯托维尔,Alison Wandzura,Stephanie Izsak,K
  • 9.0已完结熙德第一季海因米·洛伦特,Pablo Álvarez,Sarah Perles,Daniel Albaladejo,卡洛斯·巴登,埃米利奥·布阿勒,David Castillo,Lucía Díez,胡安·埃查诺维,胡安·费尔南德斯,伊利娅·盖尔拉
  • 3.07集全拳坛林哥:光荣陨落Jerónimo,Bosia,Delfina,Chaves,Renato,Quattordio,赫尔曼·德·席尔瓦,Martin,Slipak,玛莉亚·奥内托,Lucila,Gandolfo,哈维尔·多罗拉斯,劳塔洛·贝托尼,Andrés,Ciavaglia,Connie,Isla,Thomas,Grube,Pablo,Rago,Agustín,Corsi,Matías,Okosi
  • 5.0更新至20集偶像战争阿尔贝托·格拉,Maria León,Alejandro de la Madrid,Juan Pablo Medina,何塞·马里亚·托雷
  • 5.0已完结白粉飞第二季阿隆·阿布布尔,Damson Idris,阿明·约瑟夫,艾米莉·里奥斯,Michael Hyatt,Carter Hudson,Sergio Peris-Mencheta,Isaiah John

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