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To the streets, Raq Thomas is cold, hard and fierce — a successful and deadly woman taking names in a man’s world. She is tough, resolute, ruthless, but Raq still is capable of love. Great love. The sole recipient of that affection is her son, Kanan; he is everything to her. As much as she cares for him, though, there are many instances where one wonders if she loves him for who he is or if she loves him merely as an extension of herself. The middle child of three, Raq also carries the heavy burden as the earner for her two brothers. She is the sun, and everyone else in her universe exists in her orbit.


  • 8.0已完结权欲第二季欧玛瑞·哈德威克,娜图里·劳顿
  • 9.5已完结权欲第四季50分,马特·赛德诺,Janis Dardaris,Craig DiFrancia,杰瑞·费拉拉,大卫·弗莫洛,弗兰基·G,欧玛瑞·哈德威克,LaLa Vazquez,Mark Gessner,Kelcy Griffin,Olli Haaskivi,Donshea Hopkins
  • 2.0已完结权欲第三章第二季Gisela Adisa,Denia Aponte,Robert Berlin,Quincy Brown,大卫卡斯特罗,Anthony Cipriani,Ellis Colvin,Nicole Crump,托尼·丹扎,Erika Degraffinreaidt,Will Fitz,帕洛玛·古斯曼,Pedro Hollywood,娜
  • 8.010集全生死狙击第一季瑞恩·菲利普,埃迪·麦克林托克,欧玛·艾普斯,辛希亚·阿戴-罗宾森,大卫·马尔西亚诺
  • 5.0已完结权欲第五季詹姆斯·爱德华·亚历山大,因加·巴拉德,斯佩尔曼·M·博布伦,50分,HectorPena
  • 7.0已完结权欲第三季欧玛瑞·哈德威克 恩里克·穆西安诺 阿尼卡·诺尼·罗斯 约瑟夫·斯科拉 卡兰·马尔韦

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