首页  »  电影 » 拉莉萨


  • 主演:依莱姆·克里莫夫 Valentin Rasputin Stefaniya Stanyuta 
  • 导演:依莱姆·克里莫夫       
  • 分类:
  • 地区:其它
  • 年份:1980
  • 更新:2023-10-31
  • 简介:  A loving film tribute to Russian filmmaker Larisa Shepitko, who died tragically in a car accident in 1979 at the age of 40. This documentary by her husband, Elem Klimov, includes excerpts from all ..
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  A loving film tribute to Russian filmmaker Larisa Shepitko, who died tragically in a car accident in 1979 at the age of 40. This documentary by her husband, Elem Klimov, includes excerpts from all of Shepitko's films, and her own voice is heard talking about her life and art.
  Elem Klimov's grief-stricken elegy Larisa examines the life of his late wife—the film director Larisa Shepitko—through a series of direct-address interviews and photomontages, set against a mournful visual-musical backdrop. Typically, Klimov films his subjects (which include himself and several of Shepitko's collaborators) within a stark, snow-covered forest, its tangled web of trees standing in as metaphorical representation of a perhaps inexpressible suffering, the result of Shepitko's premature death while filming her adaptation of Valentin Rasputin's novella Farewell to Matyora. Interweaving home movie footage with sequences from Shepitko's work (Maya Bulgakova's pensive plane crash reminiscence from Wings takes on several new layers of resonance in this context), Larisa's most powerful passage is its first: accompanied by the grandiose final music cue from Shepitko's You and I, Klimov dissolves between a series of personal photographs that encompass Larisa's entire life, from birth to death. This brief symphony of sorrow anticipates the cathartic reverse-motion climax of Klimov's Come and See, though by placing the scene first within Larisa's chronology, Klimov seems to be working against catharsis. The pain is clearly fresh, the wound still festering, and Klimov wants—above all—to capture how deep misery's knife has cut.




优酷视频网友: 拉莉萨主要是由依莱姆·克里莫夫 Valentin Rasputin Stefaniya Stanyuta 等主演,由依莱姆·克里莫夫执导。







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  • 8.0DVD中字版抱歉男孩们SandraBorgmann,J.rgWestphal,ValentinSchreyer,risGebert
  • 8.0HD中字世故的女人劳尔·卡拉米,尼西姆·勒纳尔,Béatrice Facquer,Romain Brau,马克桑斯·蒂阿尔,萨姆·卢维克,Diana Korudzhiyska,Amlan Larcher,Valentina Papic,梅丽莎·古尔斯,Leonarda Guinzburg,Kim Humbrecht,Sarah Ouazana,Mahir Fekih-Slimane,Corneliu Dragomi
  • 8.01080p不速之客:谎言BethLittleford,KateMansi,ValentinaNovakovic
  • 3.0DVD骑士蒂朗Casper Zafer,埃斯特尔·努维奥拉,蕾欧诺·瓦特林,英格里德·卢比奥,珍·爱舍,查理·考克斯,Sid Mitchell,Rafael Amargo,Jay Benedict,维多利亚·阿夫里尔,吉安卡罗·吉安尼尼,Rebeca Cobos,Valentina Burgue?o,胡利奥·维莱斯,Ismael Martínez
  • 4.0HD刺杀游戏国语尚格·云顿,斯科特·阿金斯,Ivan Kaye,Valentin Teodosiu,Alin Panc,凯文·查普曼,Serban Celea,迈克尔·希格斯,克里斯·云顿,玛丽亚·卡兰,比安卡·布丽,Andrew French,阿提拉·阿帕,Marioara Sterian,George Remes
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