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谜巢主题曲张靓颖献唱《Lady Killer》歌词

113影视 发布时间:2020-12-20

  由李冰冰、凯南·鲁兹、吴尊和凯尔希·格兰莫领衔主演的国际办法冒险电影《谜巢》将于2018年1月19日上映。旧日,影片发布主题曲《Lady Killer》MV,由华语乐坛力量唱将张靓颖倾情献唱,冷傲唱腔搭配影片中险象环生的抚慰画面,完美声影交融让这场奥妙的地下冒险一“惊”终究。

  主题曲《Lady Killer》曲风大年夜气,伴随节奏鲜明的鼓点,颇具奥妙色彩,与影片中疑云密布的地下全国相当契合。野兽般的沙暴侵袭、震撼的爆破场面、晴朗胆怯的千年帝陵、大年夜开杀戒的史前怪兽等,在MV中逐一呈现。作为演唱者,张靓颖也在主题曲MV中冷艳出镜,华丽深情的唱腔和极具感染的发挥分析力,足以将不雅观众带入危殆四伏的冒险之旅。与此同时,影片还发布了主题曲海报,张靓颖双眼轻闭,与狂风沙暴和千年帝陵的背景合二为一,仿佛沉醉其中,愈加影片增加一丝奥妙色彩。



《Lady Killer》歌词:

  Written by:Cam Gee / King Logan / Banksy / Lehman Gray

  音乐出品:燃音乐HIT MUSIC

  In the beginning

  Once upon a time you had all of my heart

  Right from the start babe

  I thought you were cupid

  But you put the arrows down a round came from your gun

  Shot me more than once baby

  You hit the bulls eye pin it on

  My chest so cold in blood

  Your loves assassin a gemini

  Boy you got me on the run

  Baby one shot from you I'm torn apart

  Ain't no saving us you hurt me more than once

  And the damage is done

  Lady killer


  You are the wolf

  The devil in disguise stole my heart

  Instructed to a bomb of lies

  Loving you is a big mistake

  T minus five till we detonate

  Running away but there's nowhere to hide

  Thought you are the one must be out of my mind

  You hit the bull's eye pin it on

  My chest so cold in blood

  Your loves assassin a gemini

  Boy you got me on the run

  You are the reason that this hole is in my heart

  Baby one shot from you I'm torn apart

  Ain't no saving us you hurt me more than once

  And the damage is done

  Lady killer



  Lady killer





简介:生物科技公司研究员卢克·李(吴尊 饰)深入一座古墓随即失去音讯,剧毒生物学博士嘉·李(李冰冰 饰)得知弟弟卢克失踪的消息,随即与医药集团总裁梅森·伯罗斯(凯尔希·格兰莫 饰)组建一支专业的搜救队,在救援队长杰克·雷德利(凯南·鲁兹饰)的带领下,一行人前往卢克·李失踪的地点搜寻,却意外闯入神秘地下世..

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